Run #174 Run #175
Run #176
Date: Sunday, March 1st 2009 Time: 14:00
Place: Pratteln Swiss Grid:
61903 E 26360 N
47° 31.372' N 7° 41.478' E
47.5229° N 7.6913° E
Show larger map - Basel weather
Train Times:
Zürich HB 12:36
Pratteln 14:01
Change in Rheinfelden
Bern 12:36
Pratteln 13:47
Change in Olten
Basel SBB 13:50
Pratteln 13:57

This is an A to B run, Pratteln Bahnhof to Frenkendorf-Fullinsdorf Bahnhof. Mealticket will drive the bag car from A to B. Buggies are possible, but only on the Walkers' Trail, not on the Runners' Trail, which has a Refreshment Stop at Madlechöpfli (535m). The hare will not be on the run, but will be preparing the refreshment stop. A volunteer will be tasked with sweeping the trail.

Circle is at 17.00 at point B, where walkers and runners meet up.

By 18.00, we train, or walk, the short distance to Liestal.

The Liestal Fire Show begins at 19.00, but we will need to get there early if we are to have a chance of seeing anything. The Fire Wagons are very hot, and cinders fly everywhere. Bring old and / or cotton over-clothes. Nylon materials will melt - you have been warned!

Those skipping the Fire Show make their way back to Basel for the On Inn at the Hare's Hutch: c/o Hyland, Leimenstrasse 78, 4051 Basel. Mob: 076 383 01 82

Party (or crash out - bring a sleeping bag) till 02.00am, when we make our way to the Löwenzorn restaurant for drinks. Morgenstreich starts at 04.00am

No buggies for the Fire Show (this is just not practical in a very tight crowd at Liestal).

On on! On on! On on! On on!